About Us

About Us

It is our purpose to be completely identified with the Christians of the first century. We believe this to be possible to all who will learn, believe and follow the plain teaching of the word of God. Jesus declared such to be "the seed of the kingdom" (Luke 8:11). A fundamental truth in nature is that a specific kind of seed, when planted, will always produce after its kind. For example, wheat will always produce wheat; corn will always produce corn. In a like manner the word of God, when planted in the hearts of honest people, and obeyed, will produce Christians just as it did in the first century - nothing more, nothing less. We are human, and therefore subject to error. Thus, we recognize the possibility that we may be wrong in our application of the scriptures. If we can be shown, by scripture, where we are wrong, we are willing and anxious to change.
We plead for unity among all who obediently respond to the doctrines and commandments given in the New Testament. Such is in harmony with the prayer of Jesus and the pleading of the apostles (John 17:20-21; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:1-6). We consider such unity to be possible or Jesus would not have prayed for it. We also note that unity and love for each other was a mark of discipleship in the early churches (John 13:34-35; Acts 2:44, 46; 4:32). And since division has always been the result of departure from "the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3), we believe division can be healed by a return to the revealed truth of God's word. For this we plead.
Here is what you can expect
Courtesy and Kindness
First of all, you will find that all who come will be greeted with courtesy and kindness. We understand that God does not want us to be a "respecter of persons" in the assembly (James 2:1-9), so no matter who visits, regardless of race, color, social status, etc., they will be warmly welcomed.
Scriptural Worship
When the service begins, you will notice that we only engage in acts of worship that are authorized by the New Testament. We want to worship God the way New Testament Christians did long ago, so we go to the New Testament to find out how to worship. In our service we will sing from the heart without any kind of instrumental accompaniment for the purpose of admonishing ane another as well as to honor God (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). We pray together (Acts 12:15), and study the Bible together (Acts 17:11). On the Lord's Day, Sunday, we come together to observe the Lord's Supper (Acts 20:7) by partaking of the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine in memory of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:26-29).
After the Lord's supper has been served, a collection is taken up from among the members of the congregation (1 Corinthians 16: 1,2). We do not ask non-members to contribute to this collection, nor do we take up any other collections throughout the week. We believe that only those acts of worship described in the New Testament are acceptable and pleasing to God. It is our prayer that you, too, will seek the worship that pleases God.
Order and Reverence
Not only is our worship scriptural, but it is orderly and reverent as well. God is not a God of confusion. He wants the worship service to be conducted "decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14: 33,40). You will not be confused by many people speaking out or praying aloud at the same time. Neither will you find enetrtainment or recreational activities. We have come together to worship God and edify one another. We do not try to compete in any way with places of amusement. At no time will the auduence be embarassed or singled out for any sort of demonstration or testimony.
The Bible - Our Only Guide

Throughout the service you will observe that reference is repeatedly made to the Bible in our  classes and sermons. This is because the Bible is our only guide, and it furnishes us with all we need to know to be right with God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We do not follow any "creeds," "manuals," "disciplines," or "catechisms," only the Bible. You will never be asked to accept what any man says about the Bible. We want you to read the Bible for yourself (Acts 17:11)!